Unit 5: Coping with being ‘out of touch’ with Reality

Coming soon

Subunit 5.1

A Brief Tour of Distortion and Denial of Reality

If reality itself is overwhelming, that can lead you to ‘escape into fantasy’ - like imagining threats or seeing things that aren’t there. Extreme anxiety can also trigger that. And glitching brain circuits can cause paranoia and voices from within.

Subunit 5.2

A Guide to Classifying Mental Disorders

Part I The Descriptive Banners With reference to Psychotic Disorders
Part II The Explanatory Sails With reference to Psychotic Disorders
Coming soon

Subunit 5.3

A Brief Tour of Psychotic Disorders

Learn how each Psychotic Disorder Stripe is unique - according to its own set of symptoms. Each of the 3 stripes are examined to describe these defining features.