Dr Egg’s Blog

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MindSkiller® Harnesses the Power of Peer Support in Mental Health Education Through CONNECT

peer support MindSkiller CONNECT

With lengthy wait times to secure appointments with psychiatrists and psychologists, the peer support workforce, made up of those who have lived experience navigating mental illness, has become a powerful but untapped tool in the mental health sector - something that MindSkiller® has wholeheartedly embraced.

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Gen Z Consulting Team Helps MindSkiller Improve Young Adult Mental Health Literacy

gen z

MindSkiller consults team of Gen Zs, lead by Saul Galambos, to improve user experience and tap into technological developments such as AI and online exercise programs.

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Signs and Symptoms of Depression


Did you know there are three types of depression? Read this blog to find out about the signs and symptoms of different types of depression, which at MindSkiller we call "features".

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The case for TeleHealth Medicare item numbers being made available for Inpatients

Psychiatry is the best positioned, out of all the medical specialities, to provide care that is delivered as much as possible via TeleHealth and telephone during the COVID-19 pandemic...

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